Need some help here - Forster's Tern

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Arash, I'm going to start processing using the DPP4 and hope it's not too complicated! My original point was that my 1DX was able to handle high ISOs without noise. The 1DX Mk II doesn't seem to do as well. That's my frustration. The first lesson I learned when studying the fundamentals of photography by Joel Sartore was "to get it right in the camera."
I can understand getting noise on your Tern as it was farther away than mine. My Tern was practically on top of me!
Arash, I'm going to start processing using the DPP4 and hope it's not too complicated! My original point was that my 1DX was able to handle high ISOs without noise. The 1DX Mk II doesn't seem to do as well. That's my frustration. The first lesson I learned when studying the fundamentals of photography by Joel Sartore was "to get it right in the camera."
Your experience goes against every test and observation made since the camera came out. So either you have a bad camera or there is something in your workflow that is off again if you use dropbox to link the Raw file we can determine if it is a workflow issue. If you want our help link the Raw otherwise we are only guessing.
I can understand getting noise on your Tern as it was farther away than mine. My Tern was practically on top of me!

Hi Melissa, noise does not depend on the distance. noise depends on the camera's sensor and the exposure settings (amount if light captured) as well as the software that is used for processing of the RAW data from the camera.

Also note that while it is very important to get things right in the camera, including exposure and focus, how you process your RAW files, from the software itself to the type of the screen that you use for processing your files is paramount in achieving a perfect image quality. You can have the best field technique but ruin your files with bad processing, or you could have the best processing in the world but a lousy file to start with, both will lead to a delete! :S3:

let us know when you use DPP if you still have issues


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