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Giovanni Frescura

Well-known member
Mar 21, 2008

My problem is the wild dog in the left front..I tried to crop (I no would like use clone) but I think no the better . What you think ?
Canon 7d mark II
Canon 70/200 2,8
iso 1000

Giovanni, clone it out, adjust your exposure you are a bit under exposed. Great action shot.

Unfortunately I agree about the dog - the only way to remove it is to clone.

I really like the backlighting because coming through the carcass as it emphasises what the action is about
Giovanni, I cannot think of a way to remove the dog other than cloning it. I find cloning difficult and use it as a last resort, but there times when nothing else would work. I like Kevin's comment about the backlighting coming through the carcass. It is one of those things that make this photograph magic, worth saving. Thanks for posting it here.
Gio I don't necessarily think you need to adjust exposure. The darkness kind of works with such a ghastly scene. But I am afraid cloning is the only way to correct this. You could also use the patch tool in PS if you like.

Hi Gang,

It seems as if you all need to get a copy of my new Current Workflow e-Guide (Digital Basics II) here or at least get in the habit of visiting the blog every day. Why? I have been preaching the magic of Content Aware Fill (Shift + Delete) both in the new guide and on the blog. Total time to remove the offending dog: 10 seconds. It would have been two seconds but I needed to clean up two sunny areas that got picked up.

Gio, If you do not like the Clone Stamp or Content Aware Fill then you need to bring a gun when you go out photographing.

with love, artie

ps: you may wish to lighten the image just a bit -- I love the somber mood.

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