Red Squirrel Jump IV

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Andreas Liedmann

BPN Member
Aug 25, 2010
Dortmund / Germany

Hi folks .. another jumping one .
I changed the set up ... for a different view , slightly different BG included . Nothing better in general :bg3:
Trying to get them away from the BG ... still limited due to the garden size .
But we ( Squirrel and me ) try hard .... LOL .

Not entirely happy with the fur coloring .. too much of variations between the images :bg3:

Canon EOS R3
EF 200 - 400 IS L at 300 mm

F 5,6 ; Iso 16.000; 1/5000 sec

Processed with DT 4.6.1 and PSCC 2024 ; large crop for my circumstances .... to about 55 % of FF .

Thanks for looking and commenting to my previous postings

Cheers Andreas
Good and sharop, DOF is fine, separation from background looks OK to me. The fur on his right shoulder looks a little too bright to me, maybe this is a contributory factor in the colour rendition?
Thanks Jon ... tree is no difference in the color rendition on the shoulder , it is a difference in the tones . And the difference is already in the captured raw image ..... so what to do do ???

Cheers Andreas

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