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Gabriela Plesea

Story Sequences Moderator and Wildlife Moderator
Staff member
Feb 15, 2013
South Africa

Hello Everyone,

Had a rather unusual sighting the other day so I thought maybe worth sharing. This is a female African Hermit Spider feeding on a bat that got trapped in her web. The little male spider that usually hangs around was nowhere to be seen, the commotion must have been too much for him.
The bat was caught in the late hours of the evening and this female spent some time making sure to secure her victim. Images were captured the following morning as she was busy feeding.

Nikon Z9
Nikon 400 mm F2.8 TC @ 560mm
ISO 10.000

Thank you so much for taking the time to view as well as comments on my previous images.

Kind regards,
What a find!! Really interesting image, I had no idea you had spiders so large in Africa. I love the colour palette, it seems to harmonise nicely.
Good focus and DOF, a very interesting image. I would imagine she would probably be feeding for several days - would she? If so plenty of time for more unusual images!!
What a find!! Really interesting image, I had no idea you had spiders so large in Africa. I love the colour palette, it seems to harmonise nicely.
Good focus and DOF, a very interesting image. I would imagine she would probably be feeding for several days - would she? If so plenty of time for more unusual images!!

Jon, thank you so much for viewing and comments, indeed quite a find and I have been waiting for her to catch something worth photographing for some time. Was mainly hoping for a butterfly or a wasp, even considered a tiny bird...but she surprised me!

Indeed a big girl - well, by spider standards! I think even bigger now after feeding the whole morning on a bat...

Was late for work that day, trying to capture those images...could not remove myself from the scene. When I returned around 6 pm she had already dropped her victim onto the ground. I think she must have a sensitive palate and only likes fresh stuff:bg3:
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Hi Gabriela, awesome, the camera is now delivering perfectly and having those 45mp just adds so much more to the IQ. Your patience paid off in spades, so I think you are going to be over the moon when you come back, just don't change anything.

PP is looks spot on, albeit I can see a version slightly lighter....
Overall, a cracking image which you should also post in Macro too I think. :cheers:

Excellent work.

A very good evening to you dear Steve,

I do have a lighter version which I plan to share in the Macro Forum. Happy so far with the new combo... and thus more images in the pipeline:bg3:

Been 'dormant' for some time I know, my apologies...hoping the Kruger will deliver and I get back with new images. No load shedding at the moment and Internet working - a bit of a miracle...

Promise I won't change anything...Life is good at the moment and I am having great fun :w3 Super pleased with your feedback, thank you so much for viewing and comments :5

Warmest regards,
There is definitely a big ‘Step change’ and whatever you are doing keep it going as you are on the right tracks. Yes the combo works well, but when you look at the price of lenses across the board, for ALL Brands, then the IQ charts, there is definitely a fall off and not for the good sadly, but you will be fine.

Good luck with all your packing, I envie you being able just to throw it into the Cruiser, wish I had that luxury, but there are always was around things. ��
Thank you so much Steve,

I too feel I am going in the right direction, and when it comes to the 'combo' I do understand things are not as perfect as I hoped they would be. I think I'll be ok though, always a way around the issues and PP is the key:w3

Not sure about the 'envy' bit LOL, for camping is hard work! I have to have a plan for everything ...and where every single item goes, some stuff in the trailer and some in the Cruiser but cannot allow for any chaos...You do remember I have an obsession with order and everything must have a place of its own:bg3:

Hope you have a great week ahead, I'll be in touch every now and then and if I see something special you'll be the first to know :tinysmile_shy_t:

Warmest regards,
Hey Gabriela ... great unusual stuff , love to see something different . Very good that you posted it here ... otherwise it might haven gotten less noticed :w3:bg3:.
Very cool find and nicely executed in post . Does look very good from processing POV .
You managed a good level of detail and the subtle warm brown tones working very well ....
LOve it .

I would try a version with a " strong vignette " as I think the image would work well in a more " artsy " style , others might disagree :t3 .... nothing to loose but possibility of winning is good :bg3:.

TFS Andreas
Thank you so much Andreas,

I'll certainly experiment with the vignette for a bit of 'drama'.

Got another similar image I think I'll post in Macro, just lighter and the pose from Spider Mama a bit different.

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