Wilson's Warbler


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Paul Kammen

BPN Member
Feb 7, 2014
Rosemount, Minnesota, United States
zz ww.jpg

Not the best of shooting conditions, just wondering if the white part of the background is too distracting. Kind of had an obsession with this bird
as they are harder to find in Minnesota.

I did de-saturate the background a bit, and actually slightly desaturated the bird itself as they are quite bright (as they should be in breeding plumage).

Nikon Z9, 600mm f/4 TC VR S, 600mm, f/4, ISO 560, 1/1250
Paul there is something wrong here, could be Noise reduction and or Sharpening and or cropping. Look at the foot on the perch, it appears mushy, the dges of the tail are indistinct, the bill tip is soft. Your depth of field will be very limited if this is the magnification of the subject in the frame.
Paul there is something wrong here, could be Noise reduction and or Sharpening and or cropping. Look at the foot on the perch, it appears mushy, the dges of the tail are indistinct, the bill tip is soft. Your depth of field will be very limited if this is the magnification of the subject in the frame.

Thanks - it was a tough perch and a bit distracting with the stuff around him. Here's another one of the same bird. In the other one I must have touched parts of the bird as I was trying to clean up the background and may have inadvertently cloned out part of the tail.

z wilsons warbler 10.jpg
Paul I would suggest you are too close, when your subject is so large there will be insufficient depth of field, even something like f16 would not work.

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