Junior learns quickly...


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Steve Kaluski

Wildlife Moderator
Staff member
Nov 15, 2009
Somewhere in the world

Subject: Kestrel Juvenile (Falco tinnunculus)
Camera: Canon EOS R3
Lens: *EF 300mm F/2.8 L IS USM II 1.4 MKIII
Exposure: 1/2500 at f/5.6 ISO12,800
Original format: Landscape, Slight crop

All Raw captures perfectly exposed, confirmed by Raw Digger


Note: The subject is fully wild and completely unconstrained. Besides the potential impact of my presence, nothing has been done to intentionally alter or affect the ongoing behaviour of the subject.

* For anyone contemplating buying a new RF prime, the older EF are just as good, delivering exceptional sharpness and IQ at a fraction of the price if you get a mint one!
Hi Steve. I really like this one. The interaction between the two birds looks great. You can 'feel' the movement, especially on the bird to our right. The way it is pulling at the prey, with the tail against the post, awesome. Lovely colours throughout, nice detail on the subjects. The weathered fence is perfect for a perch. The BG 'fits' perfectly, with the different shades of green, and the raindrops add. Very well executed, I feel that I am there looking at the action. Well I will be there, in a few days time, and I am looking forward to it so much. I assume the perches are at different distances from the hide. With this being at 300mm with the 1.4 attached, and a slight crop, I take it that my 400mm without the 1.4 attached should be ok. Hopefully get some take off and flight shots as well.

Hi Will, may thanks for the kind words and yes you will, hopefully 'fill your boots.' Thanks for asking first before booking, and perhaps next time dates may dovetail.

A couple of things to note:

- There are a variety of perches already set-up, what I used may or may not still be there, the wall isn't, it's off to the right, but occasionally they do perch on it, so you might get a few frames.

- Set the camera to Electronic and leave it there, forget Mechanical.

- Cards, I assume you have a CF 256, preferably bigger ie 512, but you will fill it in the day so make sure you have some spares! or take a laptop to download too, that should only take a few moments to copy across. Just make sure they open on the drive, as I have know folk to transfer files and then wipe the card and haven't copies across.

- Don't chip (review images) unless you have additional fully charged batteries.

- During quiet times review your Histogram as light changes and you can be ready.

- The Kestrels are completely wild, but will often tolerate your presence when you go out to the front, within reason. I've had them on that stump 25m away.

- Don't forget to get the shots YOU want, then change format and remove or add the 1.4. You will hopefully shoot truck loads, 75% crap, 25% keepers to then drill down.

- Flight, you will get to a point, but keep SS up 1/3200 - 1/4000 and forget ISO!!!!!!! If you need help later in PP and I can help, just call.

- If you are coming down on the A1M, there is a nice bottleneck as it joins the M1, so subject to timing it might be congested for a short while, both ways.

Anything else you know where I am. :cheers:
Love this, Steve!

Junior super quick to grab the mouse and trying to get away with it, not leaving a morsel for the parent:bg3:

Great action shot and shows behaviour of the species too, very special image. Great colours and BG is awesome, love the rain drops.

Very nice composition. Image well exposed, Kestrels super sharp with beautiful detail.
Such wonderful encounter, IMO this is one of the best from the Kestrel series:cheers:

Warmest regards and many thanks for sharing,
Good evening Gabriela, good timing F1 Qually just finished. :bg3:

It’s all very quick, but the two juveniles are learning fast, hopefully Will, will have a good time. As I take each image and process as a ‘stand alone’ therefore colours will/may vary and subject to my own thoughts, I’m not batch processing.

You will have seen a wet and bedraggled female I was going to post prior to Will posting his Owl, so I will wait or post a preening one, but going your DX route.

Thanks again and have a lovely weekend.
Thank you Steve,

I am sure Will is going to have a great time and looking forward to his posts here in the Avian forum!
Saw your 'wet and bedraggled' female and liked it very much, hope you share it soon. Feeling rather privileged to have a preview of those stunners :5

Hope you too have a wonderful week-end, chat soon!

Warmest regards,

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