Spain (Province of Extremadura)

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Daniel Stenberg

Well-known member
Jan 2, 2008
Stockholm, Sweden
Hi to you all and maybe specially you fellow BPN-members from Spain.

Me and my father plans to visit the Extremadura area in Spain the last week in April (April 25th - May 2nd). I have been there once, actually in the same week in 2003 for birding (and of course some photographing) so I have some knowledge about the area and what we may find bird wise. The landscape and variety of birds are stunning. The intinerary below is based on that trip.

Our plan is that we fly to Madrid and pick up our rental car for the week. From Madrid we head to Parque Natural de Monfragüe and use the small village of Torrejón el Rubio as our base for two days. Target species here are the birds of prey, especially the vultures, Spanish Imperial Eagle, and Black Stork. We will also try to get the Black-shoulderd Kite in this area (or actually SE of Torrejón el Rubio, towards Monroy).

Then we go south to the town of Trujillo. In this area the plan is to visit the plains of Belen and the plains west of Trujillo towards Cáseres. Our target species here are Little and Great Bustard, Montague´s Harrier, Roller and both species of sandgrouse (if possible).

After this we plan our last area for the week to be La Serena and the little town of Cabeza del Buey, again for the bustards, Roller and maybe Lesser Kestrel.

Now to my questions:

Is this a good intinerary for a week of birding (mainly photographing) in the Extremadura area?
Have you any other suggestions on locations for birds easy to photograph?

All help we can get are very much appreciated.


// Daniel
You must be patient with the reply as Juan Aragonés, the fantastic spaniard is facing some serious personal problems at the moment. :( He will be with us soon and I am pretty sure he will help you. The best I can recommend is to drop a personal message to him as most probably your request will be overlooked.

Please, tell me if I can be of any further help.

You must be patient with the reply as Juan Aragonés, the fantastic spaniard is facing some serious personal problems at the moment. :( He will be with us soon and I am pretty sure he will help you. The best I can recommend is to drop a personal message to him as most probably your request will be overlooked.

Please, tell me if I can be of any further help.


Thanks for your info, Szimi. Personal problems are no fun and my regards goes to Juan.

// Daniel
Hi Daniel,

I'm sorry I don't have any first hand advice, but I recently stumbled across a nice book series by a publisher called Crossbills when looking for info on the Bierbza marshes in Poland. They publish nature guides for several European nature areas, including Extremadura. The guides provide several itineraries with loads of information on what to expect naturewise. These books are not really expensive, so maybe this can help you out. Dust of your knowledge of the scientific names, though, because since it is an international publication, all species names are in Latin.


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