Inside the Walls

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denise ippolito

Well-known member
Apr 20, 2008
New Jersey
The concrete blocks surround his body
Holding him in so he won't go free
But it's the walls built inside his head
That are making him wish he were dead

He thinks about the family he had
Now his son won't ever see his dad
He had never meant to take her life
Just years before he made her his wife

Rage took over, he lost all control
That night he shot her he lost his soul
He sits alone and waits for his death
No longer afraid of his last breath...

This is not related to me in anyway. I watched a TV interview and came up w/ this. Thanks:)


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Man, did you get inside 'his' head! The photo really matches the poem - it really gives the illusion of blood running free.

How did you make the image, Denise? What was it to start with?
Julie, It was a pier that I shot at sunset.It had beautiful reds,pinks,lavenders. I just intensified it and added a liquid treatment.
Shows how an act of unchecked rage can destroy ones life. I was envisioning the character as I was reading along with the intense accompaning image...well done!
Talk about painting a dark place...whew. Message well-delivered, Denise.

One small tech thing - the rhyming scheme for the 2nd and 3rd stanzas is AABB, but for the first one is ABCC. Just something to keep in mind for future work - it usually flows better if the scheme stays consistent.

P.S. Just back from Alaska...amazing trip...I hope to have some shots to show you soon. Thanks for the really nice "going away" note.
Lance, I just reworked it a bit-don't know if that helped. Thanks
I can't wait to see your images. You must have seen some amazing places! I bet it was a great trip. I hope to do it soon!!!

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