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Kerry Perkins

BPN Member
Nov 13, 2008
Simi Valley, California

Felt like getting back to basics today, so I did a watercolor with this tern. I used Judy's technique for the framing, which I think is pretty cool. Thanks Judy! I used DAP "realism" for this one. There were no clouds in the original, I added them with a couple of cloud brushes in PS CS4. :cool:
Kerry, Nice composition and the effect of the realism is lovely. I might tone down the whites on the bird's body a little even though I'm sure they aren't hot they draw my eye in. Really nice work -makes me want to DAP something! I love the framing.
Very nice Kerry! I like the cloud brushes and the frame. I never thought about using brushes for clouds but I could probably make some from my photos or find some online. What is DAP?
Judy, DAP is Dynamic Auto Painter. It is a plug-in for Photoshop (only available for Windows). It applies artistic styles to your images and allows you to control many aspects of the application. There is nothing else quite like it!

If you just search the web for "cloud brushes" you can find lots of free ones.

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