Hello from Rio de Janeiro.


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Well-known member
Jan 21, 2009
Rio de Janeiro - BRazil
Hi from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

I read the forum (not very often) and mostly the topics in "photography Gear"
and "Digital Photography Workflow"

I shoot since I was 10 (I'm 41 now). I work as a system analyst and photography is a (serious) hobby.
I intend to post more often (images), maybe one image per week. Unfortunately there are too much forums, work and so little time.

I'm a big fan of Roger Clark posts (and work) and is the main reason I decided to pay for the subscription to give some kind of return for the great source of (very good) information this forum provides. Also I hope that this forces me to participate more. Please feel free to correct my grammar as English is my second language (Portuguese is our language and Buenos Aires IS NOT in Brazil :) just to remember...)

If you ever come to Rio I hope I can provide you with some useful information.

My photographic activities nowadays are (which I intend to post in the correct forum when appropriate):
- deciding which macro lens to get (Sigma 150/2.8 OS, Sigma 150/2.8 "non OS", Sigma 70/2.8, Canon 100/2.8) ;
- finding the time to calibrate my lenses with the 7D (a lot of topics, I have read them all. Thank you!) ;
- researching about wildlife at the surroundings of Paraty (Rio de Janeiro) (going there in September) ;
- researching about wildlife in Iguassu Falls (going there in October) ;
- keeping up with the backlog of thousands photos of previous trips and events that have to be catalogued and processed ;

I think that's all for now.

Best regards,
Hi, Fabio. I understand the dilemma of not enough time to participate; I have that same problem myself. What I would suggest is to concentrate on posting and critiquing images in just one forum to begin with, the Eager to Learn forum is a great place to start. Looking forward to seeing your photos!
Welcome to BPN Fabio and thank you for sharing a little bit about yourself. You sound like a very busy man. Looking forward to seeing some of your images.
Thank you for the warm reception.

I'll try to read more often the forum to familiarize with the corret "room" to post some images.

So many forums, so little time ... :)

One question:

How do you feel about images with a copyright watermark all over it ?

I know it would be better without and most of people in photo forums would not "steal" (improper use) the images but they have to be hosted somewhere and with lenghty terms of use, I don't want to loose my time reading 10 pages contracts in every hosting site available (facebook, flickr, smugmug and so on).
Also as I don't make photography as a living, and make no money of it, I don't want that the photos that I put online brings me headaches because of improper use.
A small copyright is fine, but a large watermark is not because it will detract from the image making it more difficult for people to critique.

As a BPN member, you should be able to host images that you post right here on BPN. You can find directions on how to do so here: Please Read Before Posting the First Time - and Then From Time to Time. Yes, there is chance that any photos you post on the web could be stolen, but in my opinion the benefits of feedback and critique you get from this forum are more than worth taking that risk.

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