On the Move


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Steve Maxson

BPN Member
Jan 1, 2008
Bemidji, Minnesota

This Great Egret is moving into a better foraging spot while carefully watching the water in front of it. Photo taken at Ding Darling NWR in January. 40D, 500 f/4, 1/2500, f/8, ISO 400. Comments are welcome. (It looks like the blues shifted a little toward blue-green in the downloading process. ?)
Blues look good on my end, Steve, I didn't know we had a Big Foot in Florida :)
Excellent whites!
The blues look good on my monitor. I like the pose, details and exposure control. I might remove the sheen from the left foot and reflection of it.
Exposure and sharpness are bang on. Blues look good at this end too. Great walking pose...I like the body angled down, combined with the head angled up. Only wish for a lower angle (I say this knowing its not always possible).
Love the blues and I think you did well with the exposure. The raised food is a nice plus!
Blue looks good might just desat a bit Not sure if this is full frame but wouldn't mind seeing more of the trailing wake !!! Excellent image !!!
Steve, you know you could have left that 500mm in Minnesota and used a 200mm down in Florida... those birds are pets down there. ;) The foot lift adds to the scene... I assume you couldn't get any lower?
Thanks all for the feedback.

Axel: good suggestion about removing the sheen from the foot.

Daniel and Mike: I have become a big fan of the low shooting angle. Unfortunately, it wasn't possible in this instance.

Artie and Alfred: I agree about the oversaturated look of the blues. This was also something that occurred during downloading. I desaturated the blues by 30 points in the original and it looks much better than what you were seeing.

Steve I hope you don't mind, here's a repost where I have removed the little white reflection and where I have also toned down the body a very little bit. Loved the shot, pose, comp, colors, detail and exposure are great! Congratualitons!

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