Eastern Meadowlark...


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Joseph Przybyla

BPN Member
Jan 6, 2014
Lakeland, FL
Joe Overstreet 2021_02_22--197-2.jpg

I captured this image along Joe Overstreet Road in Kenansville, Florida. Comments and critique welcomed and appreciated. Thank you for viewing.

Nikon D500
Nikon 500mm PF + Nikon 1.4 III Teleconverter, Handheld through the vehicle window
1/3200 F/8 Matrix Metering EV 0 ISO 1000 Auto 1 WB, image captured at 700mm (1050mm 35mm Equivalent)
Post processed using Lightroom Classic, and Topaz Photo AI
Cropped slightly for composition and presentation
Colours focus detail all look pretty good, the background is complimentary. The perch indicates the sort of habitat it frequents i.e. an open area in which he can make his voice heard. The only question I would ask is would it look good as a 5x4 portrait?
Colors and sharpness look good Joe. Not a big fan of the post. I get the same thing. One has never heard the melody of the meadowlark until your sitting in a blind and one lands on it just inches away from you. It is unbelievable close up. TFS
Looks good Joe. Only a better perch would make this better, but I suppose we could look at it like a small podium for it to sing from. Looking forward to their return, but boy are they ever skittish up here...
That's a cracker. Super sharp with great color! Singing pose is great, and i like the comp with lots of room on the left. Soft BG is money. Scaly feet are fun! Bravo.

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