Fox in the frost

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Gerald Kelberg

BPN Member
Jan 9, 2008
Brussels, Belgium
2402 ElTaray 4847-Enhanced-NR-Edit Fox in fog.jpg

This was one of my favourite images from my trip to Central Spain in January.

This beautiful vixen has decided that bait being placed for raptors is also fair game for her - so even as the bait is being placed, she is there claiming her share!

The image was made in the pre-dawn light and there was a light hoar frost on the vegetation creating a beautiful softness for the background.

I was shooting with my Sony A9II and EF200-600 at 382mm. Shutter at 1/400 sec, wide open at f/6.3, ISO 12800.

Processed in LrC and PS.

Comments and suggestions warmly welcomed.

Hi Gerald you captured really nice wintery scene with the subject being small in the frame ... very well done .
I do like the overall concept , placement of the subject and the color palette or chosen grading !!!
Soft toning and color ... every sweet .
Nicely done :5:cheers:

TFS Andreas
Lovely image Gerald, you certainly captured the mood and feel of the scene, nice framing, love the little fox!

So glad to see you back, I am sure Steve feels the same and he will chip in with comments soon.
Quite like the 'frosty' early morning landscape and OOF grasses, looks good at ISO 12800 and well processed too, a pleasure to view:cheers:

Warmest regards,
A really unusual image, I like the frost and the fox is well positioned in the frame, overall composition looks great. I have some reservations over the colour but I wasn't there.
Thanks for the feedback and the warm welcome back to Wildlife!

I think the image is pretty accurate as a reflection of the colour on that morning. It was quite spectacular! One of the many reasons I enjoy returning to this particular location.

Regards, Gerald

Hi Gerald, a very nice animalscape and I like the fact the subject is small in frame, but its the 'habitat' that speaks volumes for me.

Personally a bit more content below wouldn't have hurt its a wee bit tight I feel. However I do like that the Fox is looking over your shoulder rather than at you.

Colours, well I think I'm with Jon here, but overall everything just blends into one another and you need to get more separation within the content of the capture. This would then add/create more substance the overall capture.

I'm not saying the colour are any better, just trying to illustrate trying to get more content.

Hope to see more Gerald.

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