Old wood


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Well-known member
Feb 9, 2009
Saw this bud on a fallen tree. Altough the wood was grey the bud still preserve some color, looking nice in the morning sun.


40D, Ef 100mm f 2.8 Macro
1/125 sec
ISO 800
croped to 4:3
Hi Ovidiu, Absolutely great eye on this image. I love the flow of grain going from the grey to the bud. The bud's color really pops with all the neutral grey around it. If this were mine I would crop off about 40% of the area between the top and the bud. I feel this will further enhance the bud. Very original and well done!!
In the thumbnail it looks like a ducks Butt - you know the bottoms up pose.
Good eye - agree with Daves cropping idea.
Very nice Ovidiu Agree with Dave and would also would have liked more room at the bottom That pattern sure looks nice !!! Sort of like more room in the direction a bird is looking !!!! Excellent !!!
Thanks for comments and suggestions.
I was not able to find another perspective because the wood was not clean on the entire surface. Changing the angle/position would bring in the frame some splitting wood. Sun was low and my own shadow was another thing to consider as the bud is very small and I was wery close to it. Did not want to use the camera flash because I was thinking that the colors would not be the same and probably it would not work as I was wery close to the bud.
Anyway if I will go again to that place I'll try it again.


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Hi Ovidiu,
I like the image and capture agree on the cropping suggestions, and your final post is right on the money...congrats, I like the contrasting colors and the texture...good show...:cool:

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