Longtailed tit (Aegithalos caudatus)


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Jonathan Ashton

Macro and Flora Moderator
Staff member
Dec 1, 2009
Cheshire UK

One of several Longtailed tits that paid a flying visit to the back garden. They roam about the countryside in family groups collectively looking after the youngest members. Image captured from a garden hide. Composition was always going to tricky with this shot, I am not convinced that removing the stems on the left would achieve much. Some on the RHS were removed.

OM-1. 150-400TC
Focal Length (35 mm conversion) : 713.0mm
Exposure mode : Manual exposure
ISO : 1000
Exposure compensation : 0.0 EV
Shutter : 1/1600 sec
Aperture : F4.5

Cute bird. I like the composition. I would remove the small broken branch on the left stem. I wouldn't send a bunch of time it but I might try generative AI fill to remove the dead leaf. Stunningly good sometimes and not worth a cr@p at other times.
Hi Jon, the perch is sympathetic to the bird and time of year. Overall the comp works for me, the broken stem is what it is, personally I would leave it. It's a bit Contrasty with the blacks and I would drop the blue creeping in. Popping the whites a fraction more, you have the room and the BKG can come up warmer across the board ie with the Ochres and the Burnt umber, just creates more interest/richness.

A nice winter capture.

I like the composition as is and would not change a thing. I love the back of the bird tilted towards us with a great view of the folded wings.
Beautiful bird and lovely image design.
I wouldn't miss the broken twig if it was gone, but I'm starting to like minor imperfections in images.
Hi Jon ... love the species , they Arte so cute and attractive once they are on the move in troops .
Super cool image , well captured and I think it is a peach .
Personally, I would not change a thing .
The subject does look very very good in terms of processing !!! :5

TFS Andreas
Beautiful little bird and I like the composition here, lovely capture!

Well processed with good colours. I wouldn't remove the stems on the LHS, IMO they help balance the frame.
Subject is sharp, nice HA, lovely detail. BG looks great. Wonderful work, Jon:cheers:

Warmest regards,

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