Pickerel Weed (Pontederia cordata)


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Joseph Przybyla

BPN Member
Jan 6, 2014
Lakeland, FL
Circle B Bar 2021_08_24--27-1053.jpg

I captured this image early Monday morning at Circle B Bar Reserve in Polk County, Florida. A little slow for birds right now, so I photographed a few wild flowers. Jonathan Aston's previous post reminded me of what we call Pickerel Weed here, slightly different but very similar. Comments and critique welcomed and appreciated. Thank you for viewing.

Nikon D500
Nikon 500mm F/5.6 VR AF-S ED PF, camera and lens supported by a Oben carbon fiber monopod with a Wimberly MonoGimbal head
1/1000 F/5.6 Matrix Metering EV +1 ISO 6400 Auto 1 WB, image captured at 500mm (750mm 35mm Equivalent)
Post processed in Lightroom Classic, Photoshop CC 2021 and Neat Image for noise reduction
Cropped for composition and presentation

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